
The implementation of 58

The implementation of 58

  First, make clear the conditions for the examination.

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  In 2018, the national, local and University poverty-stricken special programs were applied for examination conditions.

  1, national special program: candidates for the national special plan must have the following three conditions: (1) in accordance with the unified national entrance examination for 2018 registration conditions; (2) I have the implementation area (36 counties) for more than 3 years of local residence, his father or mother or legal guardian have local domicile; (3) I have household registration. The county high school has been studying for 3 years in a row.

  2, local special program: candidates for the local special program must have the following three conditions: (1) in accordance with the 2018 unified national entrance examination registration conditions; (2) I and father or mother or legal guardian in the implementation of the region (22 counties (districts)) in the rural areas, I have a local permanent residence for more than 3 years; (3) I own a county high school for 3 years, and I actually study.

  3, special program for colleges and Universities: candidates to apply for the special program of colleges and universities must have the following three conditions: (1) conforming to the registration conditions for the unified college entrance examination in 2018; (2) I and father or mother or legal guardian in the rural areas (58 counties (districts)) in the implementation of the region (58 districts), I have a local permanent residence for more than 3 years; (3) I own a county high school for 3 years, and I am actually hardworking and diligent. On the basis of this, colleges and universities can put forward other registration requirements and make clear in the enrollment guidelines, so as to ensure preferential policies for rural students.

  The above "rural household registration" refers to the account type of rural residents. The criteria for the division of rural areas can be based on the latest annual statistical zoning code issued by the National Bureau of statistics and the code for the division of urban and rural areas to determine the rural household registration.: possibility of adverse rheumatoid events for more information.

  Applicants who have the above conditions of registration will apply for their own applications, and they will be eligible to register for the special enrollment plan after being qualified by the education and public security departments in their county education.

  Two. Strict qualification examination.

  All localities should strictly implement the conditions of the special plan for the examination, refine the qualification examination method, the strict qualification examination procedure and the working process, perfect the supervision mechanism, standardize the registration material for the examinees, and carry out the work responsibility. The local recruitment committee should coordinate and establish a joint audit mechanism jointly attended by local public security and education departments, make full use of the public security household registration system, the primary and middle school student status system and the college entrance examination system, and carefully check the candidates' registration information, paper file information, and primary and secondary school system information, so as to ensure the registration of the candidates and the authenticity of the student status. Accurate and consistent content.

  Candidates who conform to the special plan for the examination of colleges and universities should apply for the application in the sun college entrance examination platform of the Ministry of education before April 10th (the specific registration method, for the contents of the sun college entrance examination platform of the Ministry of education and the related colleges and universities).

  Candidates who fail to qualify or fail to qualify are not allowed to volunteer in the above special plans.

  Three, to strengthen the information disclosure.

  Every city, county (District) admissions office and middle school should establish and perfect the mechanism of information disclosure of enrollment, strengthen the construction of information management and service platform for enrollment, strictly implement the open request of enrollment information ten, and further expand the scope of information disclosure. The relevant city, county (District) admissions office and middle school should be in time for the county-level recruitment website and the list of examinees approved in the public registration and school status in the middle school (including the name of the candidates, sex, school, the actual study situation, his father or mother or the place where the legal guardian is home, etc.). After the completion of the special plan, the list of enrolled candidates will be publicized on the Shanxi entrance examination online. We should improve the reporting and verification mechanism, uncover various ways of reporting such as websites and letters, and timely handle all kinds of letters and visits, so as to achieve results.

  Four. The enrolment scheme and the enrollment plan.

  1. The method of admission

  (1): a national plan to implement parallel voluntary Toudang parallel, according to the rules of the implementation of.

  (2) where special programs: the implementation of parallel voluntary, according to the parallel voluntary Toudang rules.

  (3) special plan for colleges and universities. The special program admissions by relevant universities to determine and clearly in the enrollment. Before the end of March, the University announced in April 10th before enrollment, candidates to complete the registration application. Before the end of April, the completion of the basic conditions for candidates to review and publicity through the audit list. Before the end of May, the candidates to complete other conditions to review and publicity through the audit list.

  2, the enrollment school and the Ministry of education need to announce the special student enrollment plan.

Feng BAI received his MPhil degree in Management Sciences and his PhD degree in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources. His research focuses on understanding the role of morality, particularly moral virtue, in shaping social inequalities.

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Posted by wuyuhe at 12:31│Comments(0)education

The implementation of 58