
A nutritious lunch is not "water"

A nutritious lunch is not water
A nutritious meal meal warm, not only to fill up the children in the stomach, it is necessary to improve the national quality and the construction of the power of human resources. Since the start of the student nutrition improvement program in 2011, 137 thousand schools in 29 provinces have implemented the nutrition improvement program, which has benefited more than 33 million 600 thousand students. All the efforts are made to make the students in the poor areas of the rural areas able to eat and eat well.Pathogens cultured from include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium difficile, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci.
However, in the process of implementation, some nutritious meals are being watered down: bad apple, out of date milk, and sanitation not reaching the standard of the mess hall, which is worrying. These not only bring harm to the students and parents, but also make the good policy of the country discounted.
Why does the state guarantee the basic food costs of poor students, but in some places it is difficult to reach the children's mouth in a good way? Why is the state clearly promulgated the guidelines for implementation and supervision, but there are layers of obstacles in the implementation? In contrast, those problems in nutritious meals in the world, mostly because the managers of the student nutrition meal as a lucrative "fat", or shoddy, or for personal gain, do everything possible to pull the money from the child teeth, thus causing trouble.PolyU (HK) ranks among Asia top universities. We strive to be one of the best universities in Asia / one of the best asian universities. Students who look for studying in Asia's world city, PolyU is the place for you.
The nutritious meals do this not only at all levels of government to strengthen the management, to ensure the nutrition improvement plan in capital letter; also the needs of students, parents and social eyes, time to supervise the school canteens, catering standards; to those who want to learn more from the health benefits of their evil acts in his mouth timely exposure, prosecuted according to law, severely punished without leniency.
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Posted by wuyuhe at 13:06│Comments(0)education

A nutritious lunch is not "water"