What is the logic of the haze test?


2018年03月13日 12:11

  In fact, because of its topic, "haze +" news is coming out in every heavy haze season. Why is the news of haze test particularly disturbing? The answer is probably the two point of education and environmental protection. The ultimate goal of education and environmental protection is "human". The open examination in heavy haze is just a deviation from "human". Therefore, the top event is the occasional haze test, it reflects a long time over the years, highly "have the order reversed".

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  The first common "reverse" is the inversion of the individual's physical and mental health, the individual value and the external utilitarian purpose. A social concept has been formed in the long and extensive development: the physical and mental health of individuals is ready to be sacrificed at any time, and the environmental protection measures aimed at this physical and mental health can also be placed at any time in the economic and social requirements. Too much of the city adhere to development must sacrifice environmental attitude, too much of the side against the "cancer village" of the head, while shouting slogans and GDP, these heavy haze in the open exam are equally absurd black humor.

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  The second "last" is the reversal between educational purposes and means of education. Everyone knows that a healthy body and a mature personality are the purpose of education, and a large and small exam is only a measure that can be measured by this ambitious goal. But now, it may lead to severe respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and heavy haze, which is hard for adults to avoid. It is not as important as a test in some educators' mind. It can almost be ignored in the progress of teaching. It can only be said that examinations and scores have already surpassed the level of means, and become a kind of actual education. Lin Qi Zhen a decision makers of course can not be against the world, let the students open haze, may not even have carefully weigh this decision, but their approach is "a natural expression of biggest idea.

  Is not to catch a wonderful news exaggeration, on the contrary, this event actually has a kind of typical, often can form the observation window on the social consciousness. The same logic and haze exam behavior may appear in the country, Hebei Shijiazhuang is facing "PM2.5 burst table questioned not closed for several days, the Shandong Liaocheng because of heavy air pollution is not timely closed" and was named the Ministry, in the haze examination scene but presents a vivid profile of these events. It once again made a reminder that the idea of human orientation and human settlement is still hovering in the middle of our society, far from the texture of social life. It is in direct proportion to the penetration of this idea, whether to promote environmental protection or to develop education, or even to achieve a quality economic index.

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