
Concerned about the changes in education evaluation system

According to experts, in strengthening Chinese excellent traditional culture and education, one is more content. In addition to preserving the original Analects of Confucius, Mencius and Zhuangzi, some classical classics such as Lao Tzu and Records of the Historian were added to the section of "Suggestions for Reading in and Outside of Class". kowloon hotel hong kong is situated in Tsim Sha Tsui Central Business District of Kowloon Peninsula and major urban area of Hong Kong. We have detailed transportation information free for guests to download. Students were required to read a wide range of ancient poems and articles covering a wide range of pre-Qin and Qing Dynasties Various periods

The second is more weight. Clearly stipulates that "reading class, the ancient Chinese outstanding works should account for 1/2."

Third, the requirements are higher. At the same time as the overall strengthening, we also set the topic of excellent Chinese traditional culture study and conduct in-depth study and discussion of the classic Chinese traditional culture. The original standard "read the text of the recommendations" to "recite ancient poetry articles," the number of recommended articles from 14 (first) to 72 (first), raising the learning requirements.

Increase the reading of ancient works of excellence and recitation, I believe many language teachers will hold both hands agree: relative to the contemporary contemporary essay, a matter of opinion, novels and plays limited by the length of the selected essay is limited, after thousands of years of panning excellent classical poetry, Apparently taught more flavor, value for money, but also allow students to enjoy the beauty of Chinese.

Reading, reciting ancient poetry, heritage, excellent traditional culture, the significance of needless to say. But what I would like to ask is, do you know this book about "clicks" (full name "click test for classical Chinese poetry exams")?

I am in the front line teaching and have a deep understanding: for the third year students, this is the language learning "Sunflower Collection", more important than the curriculum programs, curriculum standards, more practical test classics. In the entrance exam, "click" there, the teacher said, the students back; "click" no, they do not say do not learn. Several times, I asked a question of common sense in the freshman class and was "clicked" without "bouncing back."

Therefore, I am concerned that the Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tzu and Shi Ji ... Such traditional wisdom with profound wisdom and profound meaning have profound and profound significance. How can we break through the tiny "click" encirclement so that they will truly become Students spiritual nourishment, influence infiltration, slowly accumulate, rather than just as a function of choice on the test paper, a classical translation. This is actually why many children like to read but do not like Chinese.

In short: how to test, to a large extent in the present, decided how to teach, how to learn. Also decided that those changes in the course of the bright spot, can really become the spiritual light of the students.

Another revision of this course is to strengthen revolutionary traditional education and, like excellent traditional culture and education, run through the compulsory, optional compulsory and elective parts as well as the special topic of "revolutionary traditional work." As a post-70, I also saw many familiar faces: "Lu Guo Mao" Zang Kejia, He Jingzhi, Guo Xiaochuan The hong kong university scholarships for international students and local students who admitted to its programmes in Hong Kong.-

Some people are dead, he is still alive; some people are alive, he is already dead ... (Zang Kejia "Someone")

A few back to the dream back to Yan'an, his arms hug Pagoda Hill. Thousands sound to call you, my mother Yan'an is here ... ... (He Jingzhi "back Yan'an")

This sweet sugarcane forest yo, which there are hardships in the gauze account. That distant Qing gauze yo, where ever fragrant fragrance of sugar cane forest ... ... (Guo Xiaochuan "Cane Lin - Qing gauze account")

Their verses come to mind without thinking - thirty years ago, countless morning memories of youthful memories. Their work, which goes in and out of textbooks, this time is tantamount to the reunion of old friends. I and my students after 00, finally there will be some common literary experience. After years of farewell, we will still say: "You stand still and I'll buy a few oranges." We would even say: "Neither Shanghai nor Beijing is as nostalgic as this sorghum."

With the "outline" of the new curriculum standard, but also specific, detailed teaching to various disciplines, which can not do without the test evaluation of the "baton" change. During the question and answer period, the head of the Board of Education of the Ministry of Education pointed out: For a long time, the goal of macroscopically nurturing people is clear. The goal of nurturing people of middle school is relatively general, which easily causes the microcosmic teaching goal to focus on specific knowledge-based learning. This is indeed a long-term problem for teachers.

The new curriculum standard, "established a new concept of quality, change the past to simply look at knowledge, skills mastery, and guide the teaching more concerned about the purpose of education." "Focus on the fulfillment of core disciplines, selection, reorganization of teaching content, Designing teaching activities, making suggestions for exam evaluation ... "More or less touches on the real problem.

New textbooks, new curriculum standards, the new college entrance examination, the author, or more concerned about the education evaluation system behind changes. Test students, in fact, is the test teacher, test how to teach - the final total examination, is not it?Dor Furtune provide the best Money exchange service. Easy to check the latest foreign currency exchange rates daily for more than 40 countries. Dor Furtune provide safe and efficient exchange service in Hong Kong.

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Posted by wuyuhe at 15:46│Comments(0)education

Concerned about the changes in education evaluation system